Sunday, November 2, 2008


I can't believe I have let this blog go this long. Sorry about that. JRL's phonics instruction is going quite well, and she's grasping pre-mathematics concepts nicely so far. She has memorized all of the oceans and most of the continents and can point them out on a globe we have. She knows some of her more advanced body parts (i.e., wrist, elbow, etc.) Pretty cool. She enjoys it, and that is the most important thing. :)

To recap on non-LWA-related matters:


First day of school
Planning NJL's first birthday party
Sickness went around the family; party postponed a week
NJL turned 1
NJL's first birthday party
Pizza Hut field trip with our co-op


Bought apples and made tons of apple pie filling (to freeze), apple pies, apple crisp, applesauce....
Football and soup/chili night with some friends
A death in the family took us two states away on two days' notice; we were there a little over two days
JRL's first "dissection"--owl pellets with the co-op

Fall festival and chili night with some friends
Apple orchard/pumpkin patch trip with kids
NJL's first self-fed pasta experience
Costume party with church
Lots of jumping in leaves :)

So now may I be excused? :) I will try to blog more consistently from here on out. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and then it will be Christmas and New Year's. Where does the time go?!

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