Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The First Day of School

We had a ball.

NJL has a cold, so that kind of wore on everyone , especially me... but since I know these days pass quickly, I am trying to enjoy the clingy baby. :)

The girls are getting over colds, but they were surprisingly happy to be "doing school" finally yesterday.

We all woke up later than we had planned, but still pretty early around here for a Monday. DH is a minister, but he doesn't believe in taking Mondays off per se... but regardless they do usually feel like our lazy day. Not yesterday, though. We were up and at 'em and going relatively early.

We started out singing hymns. After beginning the day this way I wish we started this years ago. There is something about lifting your voice in song that starts the day off on the right foot. I usually empty and re-load the dishwasher in the morning while *listening* to hymns, but honestly I rarely feel up to singing first thing in the morning. Singing with the family forced me to do so. Maybe as I age I won't lose my range after all if I keep up with it. I was just telling a friend the other day that I have not really used my voice since high school choir, and as a result I can tell when we sing at church that I am not maintaining my range. Since I never learned how to play any instruments, my voice is all I have. I'd hate to lose it!

After singing, DH led all of us in prayer and asked for guidance in educating our children. It was a great way to start our day.

MKL decided at that point that she wanted to go play, so I decided JRL and I would do her math. I figured math is one of those things you should probably do when your mind is sharpest, right? We started with Lesson 1 of the Saxon Math K curriculum. We worked on the calendar and pattern blocks. JRL seemed to enjoy it, so that's good. She liked making flowers out of the pattern blocks. :)

I worked with JRL on her phonics yesterday, and she's coming along nicely with that. I was expecting to be more nervous and uptight about everything, but in the end the absolutely only thing she didn't do was handwriting yesterday, and we'll work on that more other days. No biggie.

DH sat down and did some work on science and social studies with her yesterday, but it was all very laidback.

A very good day overall!


Anonymous said...

Let me know how you like the Saxon K book...have thought of picking it up and working w/ it at home to supplement the school
we got a fun handwriting book based on promises of God...
I am trying to work with both boys with it...

matermagistra said...

Here's to many more golden home schooling days ahead.

Great job, Mom!
